Saturday, January 16, 2010

Welcome to my home on Mile 25!

MIle 25 sleepover.... no biggie..
Lilly and Erica waiting for the bus to PG
Kevin, Lilly, Erica and Emily waiting for the bus to PG
My dining room.
Hammock in storage
Kitchen w/ my Hammock!
My room
Laundry drying in the sun!
My sink and washing station!
Shower-- errr pipe--- built for 10!


Backyard, just burnin' my trash, no biggie.

Backyard View

It occurred to me that I have not shared with all of my fine readers any photos of my home on Mile 25. In a previous post, there is a picture of the front of the house, but here are some photos of the innards. I finally have my hammock hanging in the middle of my house and have gotten the washing outside thing down to a science! Life is good on mile 25! 5 other PCVs came to stay the night with me on Thursday night.. We had a great time making pizza and Dancin’ to those Belizean Jams in my lee house! This coming week I head to Belmopan for 3 days of intensive classe de Espanol! These coming months are filling up with trainings and travels! Stay tuned!


  1. I understand that you face many risks in your life there, such as jungle rot and getting eaten by jaguars, but I am very jealous of your oven/refrigerator and shubery...

  2. I love this post! Great pics, it really captures Mile 25. :)
